It's a love story, not a ghost story.

Katherine, Owen's wife of many years, recently died. While holding it together for others, Owen is wracked with grief. Then he begins to hear her voice. Katherine wants to help Owen through the worst moments of his grieving.

This film shares my long time commitment to themes that are both ordinary and meaningful. It's about the persistence of love after death. And how quirky grief can be.

It's a long arc with a slower pace. I've become willing to just let a moment play out. I've become a fan of not just a long take, but also how much we learn in a simple shot. There are, of course, some close-ups, but I've grown weary of seeing conversations where there is a cut after every statement. Especially if the subject is grief, the pace is usually slower; lots of rapid cuts contradict that pace for me.

Working with those longer takes and quiet scenes was possible primarily due to the skill and grace of Jane Holding and Owen Daly, cinematographer Jack Allan and the incredible assistance of V. Arden Shepard.

This film is the first of what I believe will be a group of films with similar themes but very different characters. I'd love to hear what you think.

The film can be viewed here (after we get all the links straightened out.